Here we are with our newest initiative called DOC DAY!

Through our collaboration with the FILMCLUB and other local partners, we bring high-quality documentaries to Bolzano onto the big screen.

Our first edition entails 6 films shown at the most prestigious film festivals worldwide and, through DOC DAY, will become accessible to the South Tyrolean audience. 

Our monthly screenings start in October 2023 and end in March 2024 and will include Q&As with the makers and discussions on and off stage, sometimes with the director or author, sometimes with experts on the subject matter covered in the film. All DOC DAY films deal with important topics of our time. Accordingly, the film evenings take place in cooperation with local partners such as Ökoinstitut Südtirol / Alto-Adige, Foto-Forum, ARCI, or initiatives such as Female Views and Film-Frauen-Roundtable.

The events will all take place at the FILMCLUB BOLZANO | Via Dr. Josef Streiter 8/D 12/10 


12/10/2023  PARADISE, by Alexander Abaturov
16/11/2023  LE SPECTRE DE BOKO HARAM, by Cyrielle Raingou
21/12/2023  INNOCENCE, by Guy Davidi
11/01/2024  POLISH PRAYERS, by Hanna Nobis
15/02/2024  THE NATURAL HISTORY OF DESTRUCTION, by Sergei Loznitsa
14/03/2024  SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD, by Anna Hints

FOURTH DOC DAY DATE: January 11, 2023

DOC DAY presents POLISH PRAYERS by Hanka Nobis

As a traditional Catholic in Poland, 22-year-old Antek holds deeply conservative views. But when he falls in love for the first time, he begins to have doubts – first about the prohibition of premarital sex and finally about the existence of God. The 22-year-old Antek is destined to become the religious leader of the ultra-conservative Polish Brotherhood. The Brotherhood organises counter-demonstrations to LGBTQI+ events and meets for masculinity rituals in the forest. But when Antek is about to be promoted, he begins to question the moral principles he has spent years fighting for. Over the course of four years, filmmaker Hanka Nobis accompanies the charismatic and sensitive young man, who identifies less and less with traditional values. In exchange with a constantly changing circle of friends, Antek develops his own opinion on what it means to be a good person.


In collaboration with FILM FRAUEN ROUNDTABLE

Where: FILMCLUB BOLZANO | Via Dr. Josef Streiter 8/D
When: January 11, 8PM

including real-time Q&A with the director Hanna Nobis

THIRD DOC DAY DATE: December 21, 2023

DOC DAY presents INNOCENCE by Guy Davidi

INNOCENCE tackles the issue of militarization and its impact on the lives of young Israeli people who are forced to serve against their own identity and values. Through a narration based on the haunting diaries of soldiers who died in uniform and the rare home video they left behind, the film depicts their inner turmoil. Interweaved together with first-hand training videos and unique filmed life moments; the film shows how children and young people are being tracked and pressured step by step from early childhood into military enrolment and away from their parents. INNOCENCE warns of the social and personal costs of increasing global militarization.


In collaboration with Arci Bolzano

Where: FILMCLUB BOLZANO | Via Dr. Josef Streiter 8/D
When: December 21, 8PM

including real-time Q&A with the director Guy Davidi

SECOND DOC DAY DATE: November 16, 2023

DOC DAY presents LE SPECTRE DE BOKO HARAM by Cyrielle Raingou

„Since 2014, the terrorist organisation Boko Haram has led strikes against the villages and people of the Far North Region of Cameroon. Today, this constant threat of violence has woven itself into daily existence. In her profoundly affecting debut feature, Cyrielle Raingou follows a group of children as they carve out their own worlds amid the dangers of armed conflict. We meet the precocious Falta, studious and hardworking, eager to process her father’s death in a terrorist attack. Her classmate, Ibrahim, and his older brother Mohamad, struggle with balancing their boyhood energy and a traumatic past that strays them from their eight and 11-year-old innocence. Raingou, a native of the Far North Region herself, approaches her young subjects with a delicate and unobtrusive observance, allowing them to dictate the reality of their surroundings through their own words, movements and perspectives. The result is a distinct and profound study of the contrasts of a war zone: hope and despair, innocence and terrorism, the present and future, western influence and traditional culture. As the children prepare for school, gunshots ring out in the distance. In the schoolyard, amidst soccer games and jump rope, military servicemen patrol the edges of the frame. But Raingou holds on to the laughter and innocence of the children’s play, which stretches far above war’s reach.“ – Fiona Armour 


In collaboration with FEMALE VIEWS 

Where: FILMCLUB BOLZANO | Via Dr. Josef Streiter 8/D
When: November 16, 8PM

including real-time Q&A with the director Cyrielle Raingou


DOC DAY presents PARADISE by Alexander Abaturov

In the summer of 2021, an exceptional heatwave and drought led to giant fires that ravaged 19 million hectares of land in northeastern Siberia. In this region, at the heart of the taiga lies the village of Shologon, soon to be blanketed by a thick cloud of smoke. Spread by the wind, the black ashes carry alarming news: the forest is on fire, and the flames are fast approaching. The government, having left them to fend for themselves, the inhabitants must rally to fight The Dragon.


In collaboration with Ökoinstitut Südtirol / Alto-Adige

Where: FILMCLUB BOLZANO | Via Dr. Josef Streiter 8/D
When: October 12, 8PM

The FAS Film Party Nr. 6 is coming! Every year, as a part of Bolzano Film Festival Bozen (BFFB), the Film Association South Tyrol invites you to dance, meet, and greet!

WHEN: Friday, April 21st, from 22:30 till 03:00

WHERE: New year, new location! Join us at the picturesque Castel Roncolo/Runkelstein, only half an hour walk (15 min by bike) from the city center along the Talvera park.

Those who would like to share a shuttle can consult the Shuttle Finder App –

NB: the castle is situated on a hill, we recommend wearing comfortable flat shoes 😉

FOR WHOM: For everybody who likes to dance, talk about cinema, and get to know the community of South Tyrolean filmmakers.

MUSIC: Dj sets by Ya Ria, Lady Six Sky, and ALPI

Free entrance for FAS members and BFFB-accredited guests.
We are looking forward to seeing you!!

Nach zwei Jahren Pandemie bedingter Pause ist es endlich wieder soweit! Die FAS Party ist zurück am Bolzano Film Festival und wir lassen die eingerosteten Glieder schwingen zu Sounds aufgelegt von DJ SLT & DJ Veloziped. „Same same but different“ findet die Party wieder einmal im Sudwerk Bozen statt und zwar am Freitag 8. April 2022. Freier Eintritt wie immer für FAS members und Festival Akkreditierte. Wir freuen uns auf Euch!

Ebenfalls am Freitag und zwar von 10:30 bis 12:00 findet heuer zum ersten Mal auch eine FAS Matinée statt. Unter dem Titel „Ein Film von…?“ beleuchten wir in Zukunft die unterschiedlichen Gewerke in der Filmwelt und starten mit einem der kreativen Hauptgewerke, der MONTAGE. Es gibt dabei Croissants & Kaffee für die Besucher und ein ungezwungenes  Gespräch mit Editor Hannes Brunn über seinen Beruf und den Schnitt des Dokumentarfilms HINTER DEN SCHLAGZEILEN, der dieses Jahr im Dokumentarfilm Wettbewerb läuft.  

Spielzeiten des Films:

MI  06.04.  14.30  CLUB 3  |  DO  07.04.  21.45  CAPITOL 2

„Zweimal ist eine Wiederholung, dreimal ist eine Tradition“, beim vierten Mal machen wir es zur Institution. So oder ähnlich halten wir es mit der bereits legendären FAS Party, die dieses Jahr erneut am Freitag Abend während des Bolzano Filmfestival statt finden wird.
Mittlerweile kennt Ihr ja den Groove. Wie immer gilt es die Sehnen zu dehnen, die Muskeln zu lockern und sich tanzbereit zu machen für die Sause am 12 | 04 | 2019 im Bozner Miró Club.
Mit einem DJane Line up schütteln wir heuer unsere Gliedmassen besonders lasziv in den Frühling hinein. Und wie immer gibt es abseits vom Dancefloor auch Raum für lockeres Rumstehen, Trinken und Parlieren. COME AS YOU ARE und bringt Eure Leute mit, wir freuen uns!

Einen kleinen Hinweis gibt es auch dieses Jahr zu einigen Festivalfilmen, bei denen FAS Mitglieder in führenden kreativen Positionen vertreten waren:

„Documentary competition“

Nela Märki | Editor

10 | 04 | 2019  22.00h   Capitol 2
11 | 04 | 2019  14.15h   Club 3

Martine De Biasi | Director
Cornelia Schöpf | Editor
Martin Rattini / Helios Sustainable Films | Producer
10 | 04 | 2019  19.00h  Capitol 1
11 | 04 | 2019  20.00h  Filmtreff, Kaltern
12 | 04 | 2019  14.00h  Capitol 2

„Made in Southtyrol – IDM“

Georg Zeller | Director of photography
Stefano Bernardi | Sound Designer
11 | 04 | 2019  21:15h  Capitol 1

Andreas Pichler  | Co-Producer

09 | 04 | 2019  19.30h  Capitol 1
14 | 04 | 2019  20.15h  Capitol 2

Jochen Unterhofer | Director of Photography

Florian Geiser | Editor
13 | 04 | 2019  17.30h  Capitol 1

„Local artist“

Verena Ranzi / Taktfilm | Producer

Martin Rattini | Director of Photography
Zita Pichler | Production Designer
Cassandra Han | Casting
10 | 04 | 2019  21.45h  Club 3
13 | 04 | 2019  19.00h  Museion

Karl Prossliner | Director

Cornelia Schöpf | Editor
Stefano Bernardi | Sound Designer
11 | 04 | 2019  18.00h  Meran, Ariston-Saal

Matthias Keitsch | Co-Director

14 | 04 | 2019  20.30h  Club 3

Elisa Nicoli | Director

11 | 04 | 2019  20.15h  Club 3
14 | 04 | 2019  17.30h  Capitol 2



Zelig School for documentary | Production company

13 | 04 | 2019  16.30h  Club 3

IT’S TIME AGAIN! SPRING IS FINALLY HERE, und deshalb ist es höchste Zeit, die im Winter eingerosteten Sehnen zu dehnen und ordentlich in den Frühling rein zu tanzen. Denn auch heuer wird die FAS wieder am Bolzano Filmfestival Bozen vertreten sein und schafft mit der  FAS FILM PARTY am Freitag Abend 13 | 04 | 2018  wieder eine Möglichkeit zu lockerem Austausch und vor allem zu ausgelassenem Tanz. Dieses Jahr wird im Bozner Mirò Club gefeiert mit DJ Sets von DJ SLT & DJ VELOZIPED!

Mit Freude weisen wir auch heuer auf zahlreiche Filme im Festivalprogramm hin, bei denen FAS Mitglieder in wichtigen kreativen Positionen vertreten waren:

Daniel Mahlknecht | Director of Photography

11 | 04 | 2018  17.30h   Club 3
11 | 04 | 2018  20.30h   Merano Docu-Emme

Carlo Magaletti | Director
11 | 04 | 2018  16.00h  Centro Trevi (it)
12 | 04 | 2018  16.30h  Club 3

Echo-Film | Co-Production
11 | 04 | 2018  17:45h  Capitol 1
12 | 04 | 2018  21:00h  Capitol 1

Miramonte Film | Co-Production company

11 | 04 | 2018  19.45h  Capitol 1
13 | 04 | 2018  14.30h  Capitol 2

Karl Prossliner | Director

Cornelia Schöpf | Editor
13 | 04 | 2018  17.00h  Museion
13 | 04 | 2018  19.00h  Meran Ariston

helios sustainable films | Co-Production

14 | 04 | 2018  20.30h  Club 3


Auch in diesem Jahr ist die FAS wieder am Bolzano Filmfestival Bozen vertreten und bietet mit der  FAS FILM PARTY am Freitag Abend 07 | 04 | 2017 erneut Gelegenheit zu ungezwungenem Austausch und ausgelassenem Tanz. Gefeiert wird im Bozner Sudwerk ab 23.00 Uhr.  

Mit Freude weisen wir auch heuer auf zahlreiche Filme im Festivalprogramm hin, bei denen FAS Mitglieder in wichtigen kreativen Positionen vertreten waren:


Anche in quest anno la FAS è presente al Bolzano Filmfestival Bozen. Il venerdì sera del festival, il 07 | 04 | 2017 ci sarà la FAS FILM PARTY. Per chi vuole dialogare in un ambiente informale o semplicemente ha voglia di ballare.

Vorremo anche evidenziare la presenza di alcuni film in programma in cui membri FAS hanno svolto un ruolo in primo piano: 

Hannes Perkmann, Actor

06 | 04 | 2017 14.30h Capitol 2
06 | 04 | 2017 20.20h Ariston/Merano
07 | 04 | 2017 19.00h Capitol 1

helios sustainable films | Production company

Han & Oldenburg | Casting directors
Martin Rattini | Producer
08 | 04 | 2017 14.30h Capitol 1

Georg Zeller | Director
09 | 04 | 2017 15h Club 3

T.RAUM – Una concreta utopia
Mauro Podini | Director

09 | 04 | 2017 15h Club 3

ZeLIG school for documentary  | Production company

06 | 04 | 2017 18.00h Rainerum
07 | 04 | 2017 15.00h Capitol 1

Miramonte Film | Production company

Andreas Pichler, Cornelia Schöpf | Directors
Valerio Moser | Producer
var. times and locations

Stefano Lisci | Director

08 | 04 | 2017 19.15h Capitol 2


07 | 04 | 2017
from 11 PM until 3:30 AM
Andreas-Hofer-Str. 30 | 39100 Bozen

Free entry for FAS Members 2017
Free entry for accredited guests
of the Bolzano Film Festival
on a first come, first served basis

opening for the public at 12PM,  entry: 5 Euros


Mit dem Bozner Filmfestival startet für viele die alljährliche Drehsaison. Bevor alle wieder auf diversen Filmsets verschwinden, laden wir Euch herzlich ein gemeinsam Filme zu sehen, Erfahrungen auszutauschen und ein Jahr voller Projekte tanzend zu beginnen.

Im Rahmen des Festivals zeigen wir beim FAS SCREENING  am Freitag Abend 15 | 04 | 2016 zwei sehr unterschiedliche aber ähnlich mutige Filme und nehmen dies zum Anlass, einen Blick auf die lebendige Filmszene in Südtirol zu werfen.

Gleich im Anschluss ergibt sich auf der FAS FILM PARTY genug Gelegenheit auf alte und neue Freundschaften anzustoßen und auf der Tanzfläche die letzte Winterstarre abzuschütteln.


Con il Festival di Bolzano comincia per tanti il periodo annuale di lavoro sui set. Prima che tutti si dileguino, volevamo invitarvi a vedere insieme dei film, a condividere le vostre e nostre esperienze e a lanciare un nuovo anno ricco di progetti stimolanti per tutti.

Durante il festival ci sarà venerdì sera il 15 | 04 | 2016 uno SCREENING FAS che prevede due film molto diversi tra loro ma molto ambiziosi, offrendo l’occasione per gettare uno sguardo su quello che la scena cinematografica locale realizza.

A seguire ci sarà la FAS FILM PARTY, grazie alla quale avremo la possibilità di rinsaldare vecchie e nuove amicizie e lasciarci alle spalle la stagione invernale.


15 | 04 | 2016
21:45h  Capitol 3
Bolzano Bozen | Via Dr.-Streiter-Gasse 8/d

ein Film von Irene Reiserer
IT | 2014 | Experimentalspielfilm | 14 min

Wer ist der Jäger und wer der Gejagte?
In diesem Experimentalfilm verschwimmen die Grenzen
zwischen Gut und Böse. Bilder in rauschendem
8 mm folgen der Musik und die Logik dem Gefühl.
Ein Film zum Gruseln.

un film di Lucia Alessi
prodotto da helios sustainable films
IT | 2014 | documentario | 52 min

87 anni e alle spalle una vita trascorsa oltreoceano,
Renzo Facchinato si trova adesso ad affrontare la più
naturale ed insieme difficile delle sfide: la partita con
la morte.


15 | 04 | 2016
from 11 PM until 3:30 AM
Bolzano Bozen | Via Gilm Straße 7

Free entry for FAS Members 2016
Free entry for accredited guests
of the Bolzano Film Festival
on a first come, first served basis

Normal entry: 4 Euros